yesterday was one of the best days i've had in a very long time. and i can't even talk about it. how sad is that? i hope i remember it for a really long time because i haven't smiled that much or laughed that hard in weeks. i want yesterday to be every single day. i hope it can be. other than what i won't speak of, i took a walk through kings park, again. i feel like while it's the creepiest and most dangerous place on li anyone could go, it's very peaceful when you're alone. i honestly could spend hours around there and not get bored. got some good shots in new buildings. drove up to the water after and it's never the same without you. left there, picked up chris and hung out for awhile before going to mike's. i miss when it's just mike, chris and i. hope the summer is all about that. today there's a show at vps that i already agreed to=/ better be worth it. xo.
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