tonight we saw converge. unfuckingbelievable. they were so amazing to watch. the reviews and other people's stories weren't kidding when they said jake leaves everything he has on the stage. i'm glad that sph has kind of a balcony so i wasn't on the floor because i would've died. they didn't play too many songs that we knew which was really disappointing. but everything else was great. touche amore opened for them with lewd acts. it usually takes me a couple listens of a band to love them but i heard the first 20 seconds of touche amore and fell in love. i can't wait to get back to school and download everything they've ever done. the singer is super nice too. we met him after when buying merch. he couldn't have been nicer to everyone. mike bought me a converge shirt of my very own=] now i don't have to look huge and like a boy when i wanna wear it because it's my size now.
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