if this was the only app i could have on my itouch, it wouldn't be a disappointment. last night mike and i saw avatar. sure, it was a typical story line but past that it was really badass. the animation was awesome. also the way they made the avatars look so close to their human was really creepy but its what you'd expect with what they can do now. got out at around midnight and i hoped that we could see people but everyone was either busy or sleeping. i promised myself this year that i wouldn't get upset over little things. but sometimes it's really hard. especially when you take something personally and someone else always thinks its a joke. when someone says something about someone you care about, you're going to take it personally. it's going to hurt you until they apologize or you're comforted. neither of those endings happened for me but i hope that if i learn to not make it a big thing, i'll be right in the end and be comforted. some people just need to learn boundaries and that not everyone takes the same thing as a joke. xo.
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