got an e-mail from john wylie (owner of eulogy) today saying i'm doing an amazing job with everything. i needed that. i feel like either people think i'm making this whole thing up or that it won't lead anywhere. its really hard to stay positive about things. i take so much time caring and thinking about my friends..to know what they're up to, who they're dating, if we'll have plans when i come home. but when it comes to them thinking about me, i'm a stranger. i have to explain everything over and over. doesn't anyone take the time to remember things anymore? same thing with mike. we've been together for almost 3 years now. when i mention the first name of one of my friends, why do i have to tag a story to it reminding him who i'm talking about? even more than that, i have to remind my parents about friends or even this job thing. yeah, it's a legit thing. yeah, i'm going to have to move away eventually for it. i'm not just sitting in front of my computer for hours on end so i can avoid you. i'm doing it because i finally got something i've wanted. maybe i should start caring less so i'm less disappointed when someone forgets about me. xo.
edit: i saved putting up a picture until later today because i had a feeling something else good would happen. i read the new AP. every month they're doing a look at a band and follow their progress from the first album until now and their band of the month was new found glory. nfg might be what got me to like what i like now. they're one of the few bands that can put out any music and i'll really love it from beginning to end. i think the only other bands that can do that for me are bayside, vanna, a day to remember and crime in stereo.
anyway, while reading it i see john is part of the interview. he's the one who put out "nothing gold can stay." he signed them, gave them their start. it's amazing that i work for him. i have so many questions to ask...too many. i don't wanna come off as a crazy fan girl only doing this to ask stupid shit like how certain people really are or stuff about the industry. i wanna do this so badly, i want to know
everything possible. guess we'll see what happens. only good things, i hope. xo.
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