coolest fish i've even seen. they're called tattoo fish. the people that breed them actually tattoo them and the guy at the pet store say it stays on their scales until they die. i think i'm gunna go back before tuesday and get one or two because i've never seen these before the they're rare to find anywhere. alright so, today..woke up, had an interesting morning with mike and talked a lot of stuff. we had to meet alex for breakfast at 11:30. got there at like, 12:45. i wish we could've had more time with him but he said he had work or something. and i know it was my decision and my idea to invite chris jung but i always regret it. i'm not respected by any of mike's friends. i will always be the girlfriend. i'll always be nothing and have no name to them. so why should i respect them back? i know i said i would try to be nicer, and that was the point of asking her to breakfast. but i deserve a hello or even a smile. i know that my boyfriend is what you want but come on, at least fake it for an hour. it's like that with everyone. especially this girl i don't even know who i wish would go the fuck away. i'd like to be the person who teaches others boundaries in relationships, i'd have no problems ever. if only...
i think tonight we're going to dave and busters with bobby and maybe some other people. i'd like to see alanna but she'll be with the aforementioned and a couple people. who knows. xo.
"i used to pray like god was listening. i used to make my parents proud. i was the glue that kept my friends together, now they don't talk and we don't go out. i used to know the name of every person i'd kissed. now i've made this bed and i can't fall asleep in it."-brand new, "millstone."
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