Sunday, January 31, 2010

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

Thursday, January 28, 2010

i wish when a relationship was good, you could just skip to the final result. are you going to stay together or find someone else? it would be a lot better than being jealous and wondering constantly. to know the truth of how someone thinks of you would be awesome. maybe i wouldn't doubt myself almost all the time. or hate how i look. or think i have to need to hate other girls. maybe if i was a 100 pounds lighter. maybe if i had dark hair. bigger plugs in my ears. much bigger tits. i don't know what it takes to feel alright anymore. i'm trying to stay positive, i really am. just got a text that i'm dreading to read. i don't know why i ask these questions that make my heart sink into my stomach. i'm not someone who is afraid of the truth. but sometimes pain overthrows fear...thank you, it was a positive thing i read. i wonder how guys feel when they see their girlfriend enthralled in some guy. is there instant jealousy? or could they care less because they know the girl is so devoted they would never cheat or leave? of course, it's weird, we have the same weaknesses (tattoos, tasteful piercings, thin, dark and long hair). however, in 3 years, there's only been 1 guy i'd leave him for. and that was because how secure i thought i felt when i was around him. nothing happened with him, nothing would ever happen with another guy. but i wonder if a guy's thoughts end there or if they think about what could happen; what the girl looks like naked compared to their girlfriend; what life would be like with this girl. i hate thinking things like this but at least i get it out here. if it were ever brought up in a real conversation i'd just be told i'm jealous, ridiculous or that i need to grow up. sorry, it's how i feel, what i fear and what i think about. if you're reading this, maybe you should start thinking the same things and wonder what you'd really do without me. xo.
"as you escape from your life, this house becomes hollow. and all we can do is just wait. sit here and wait for this train to arrive. i've got my bags packed and i've said my goodbyes. constantly giving into these moments. that just bring me down just bring me close enough to stay around, to stay around"-the scene aesthetic, "alvin maker's greensong."
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

when other people need or want something anymore, i'm not going to be there. whenever i ask someone to go somewhere or do something with me, their shit is always more important. i actually rather be around people when i need to go shopping or into town or even studying when its nothing serious. i'm there for people when they need to talk and i help them until their problems are solved. but when i need someone to talk to, they're always busy, or sleeping or seem as if they couldn't care. i want to be able to ask for favors and not seem as if i'm bothering them by being alive. i need some genuine people in my life who are good friends because i'm starting to think those kind of people don't exist. it's also exhausting trying to make a livable situation here. i try and talk to them but i just get ignored like i'm not supposed to be there. i want to sit them down and explain what's going on in my life that keeps me to myself but its the same question-would they even care or think it's pathetic? i really don't want to feel this way but its hard when there's no one supportive around. and this whole losing weight thing i'm beginning to give up on. i've gone to the gym, a week straight today, for at least 2 hours a day. i'm eating pretty well..no more than 1,000 calories a day and drinking a lot of water and no snacks. so then why did i gain weight yesterday? i just don't understand. i want something good to happen soon because i really need it. xo.
edit: how can one girl be so mean it makes me cry? i can't live like this for another 4 months, i just can't.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
edit: normally, i like taking my own pictures but this is too good not to remember. jt woodruff (hawthorne heights) is playing an acoustic show at vibe lounge in a couple weeks and its on a monday. i tweeted saying how it was unfair they aren't playing on a weekend and he replied. it's little things like this that make my day better=] now if only alex pardee would do the same thing for me, then that'd be awesome. today was stressful, like i stated before. i'm taking the two most intense journalism classes offered here. on the same day, right after the other. awesome. wonder how this is gunna turn out. at least one is based on music and the other can be about art and theater. by the end of the semester i need to write 6 stories, 3 for each class, and i have all my story ideas planned out. and for the first time ever, i have backups planned. even if i don't need them and they do end up happening, it's nice to have as clips for jobs later on.
oh, i've said it before and i'll say it again. girls only cause problems for me. this semester better be different. if you're reading this, remember this. xo.
Monday, January 25, 2010

edit: i saved putting up a picture until later today because i had a feeling something else good would happen. i read the new AP. every month they're doing a look at a band and follow their progress from the first album until now and their band of the month was new found glory. nfg might be what got me to like what i like now. they're one of the few bands that can put out any music and i'll really love it from beginning to end. i think the only other bands that can do that for me are bayside, vanna, a day to remember and crime in stereo. anyway, while reading it i see john is part of the interview. he's the one who put out "nothing gold can stay." he signed them, gave them their start. it's amazing that i work for him. i have so many questions to ask...too many. i don't wanna come off as a crazy fan girl only doing this to ask stupid shit like how certain people really are or stuff about the industry. i wanna do this so badly, i want to know everything possible. guess we'll see what happens. only good things, i hope. xo.
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Saturday, January 23, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010

so, a few days ago with that band thing..what got me thinking about this was bayside. anthony is doing a solo acoustic show tonight with shane henderson, jt woodruff and others. it really annoys me that the massive amounts of people are going to this because they think the guys are playing hits from their bands. all of them have their own songs and lyrics and side projects. they will either be seriously disappointed that "devotion and desire" or "3,000 miles" won't be played. that, or they'll start loving the solo sides of all them. xo.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010

today i guess i'm just watching movies and doing stuff at home. the program for twitter isn't working and i wish it was because now my entire day is blown. guess i'll see later. mike's coming over after work to watch starship troopers and watch dinner. xo.
Saturday, January 16, 2010

edit: fbtd killed it. i don't think i've ever seen them live and they were so good. sure, half the crowd were friends with the band but the guys got so into it. i am forever played tonight too. they're my new favorite local band. just realized we didn't buy their cd..guess i'll find it somewhere or get it from one of the guys. if the bands aren't that good, the best thing is meeting new people. finally met dayne (plays drums in iaf). he's a really nice guy. also met james and some other kids. my favorite thing, of course, was that evan showed up with fbtd. i've never seen him dance but he was good. i felt like for the first time i could talk to him without all the girls and his friends around i forgot to ask about playing my show in may but i'll ask the next time. i'm sure they'll do it. xo.
Friday, January 15, 2010

i don't know what i'm going to do with this feeling. i'll never act on it but i can't help but wonder what if.
edit: tonight was interesting, to say the least. went to the mall and got this really adorable hat with my h&m card. then greg came over. it's really great to see him and know all the progress he's made. when we used to hang out every night, we were really close. and over the past year, yeah we've lost touch but he's one of those people who you feel never left. there's a definite change in his personality but i think that's a good thing. he grew up. after awhile, nick and chris showed up. even catherine was around for the whole night. that i really miss because we never reall hang out and when we do, law or tor are there too.. so it's around midnight now and we're sitting around when everyone's complaining about being bored. chris decides to gives mike's fridge and freezer a winter cleaning and put everything expired into the blender to make concoctions to "use" in different places. not gunna explain, could be incriminating. but for those who were there, it was a night to never forget. but the one part that i have to mention is the high speed car chase. after a couple rounds, greg bought eggs to throw randomly out of the car. we got to mayfair and saw this lone car in the parking lot. thinking no one was in it, greg threw a single egg at the back. we drove past and OH LOOK, there's someone inside. i've never seen someone go from parked in a turned off car to racing behind us so quickly. they followed us at 80mph for a couple miles until we thought they were gunna crash into us or throw a crowbar at the minivan. around smithtown somewhere, they got alongside us and threw something. didn't damage our car or anything but it sounded really bad and the breakes got messed up for awhile. while it could've ended worse, it was the most exciting night we've had all break. this is why i miss our old friends. this kind of stuff happened every night, not every couple of weeks. but now they all think getting drunk and high is better than this. their loss. xo.
Thursday, January 14, 2010

i think tonight we're going to dave and busters with bobby and maybe some other people. i'd like to see alanna but she'll be with the aforementioned and a couple people. who knows. xo.
"i used to pray like god was listening. i used to make my parents proud. i was the glue that kept my friends together, now they don't talk and we don't go out. i used to know the name of every person i'd kissed. now i've made this bed and i can't fall asleep in it."-brand new, "millstone."
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

""so i wrote you this song. i hope that you like it because you light up my life and i know you can fight this."-the scene aesthetic, "humans."
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Let's say, that you're on a plane
It's going down fast
And you had time to think about
You're life and times
And where you'll end up
They say there's a place
You worry what it might be like
And scream 'cause you're scared
What if I swore to God?
Would you believe me then?
Isn't there something to be said about
Brand name recognition
Let's say, you're plane didn't crash
And you should survive
Would go back to you selfish way
And deny this was divine
They say there's a place
You worry what it might be like
And scream 'cause you're scared
What if I swore to God?
Would you believe me then?
Isn't there something to be said about
Brand name recognition
What can I say?
We ate the apple anyway
And you'll wonder when you'll get there
When you've already been
Well let's say that this happens again
This time you were rotated back
Believe what ever's right for you
Don't doubt your worth
Stay in command
What if I swore to God?
Would you believe me then?
Isn't there something to be said about
Brand name recognition
What can I say?
We ate the apple anyway
And you'll wonder when you'll get there
When you've already been

i wonder what really makes you say the things you do. it has to be how others respond to you and their personalities because i cannot be blamed how others act or if they want to see you. i don't appreciate being called out on things i can't change at the moment. i can't make the economy change and have it go back to when it was okay for a business to hire someone for a couple weeks and then they leave for school. i can't change that my parents won't give me a car or help me with one until i work steadily. sorry i don't make money because i'm concentrating on working towards my career that you pushed me to in the first place. there's a lot of things i want to change but i'm not sorry for. when it will change, it will be amazing. but until then, please understand. xo.
Friday, January 8, 2010

i wish i was going with ack and sari to see crime in stereo and incendiary. if mike wasn't working today maybe we would have. xo.
edit: another goal for 2010: meet bam margera. this will happen, i don't care what it takes.
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Friday, January 1, 2010

new year's resolutions:
1-be a nicer person to everyone. try and get along and mend problems with enemies. but if i can't accept that and move on. don't dwell on that fact and make things worse.
2-be a better girlfriend. it's going to be three years in june. why are things still the way they are? i'll try to make things as perfect as i can but there are many things i can't fix. love will overpower those things and fix them itself.
3-lose weight. i'm sick of being this way. this should be number 1 on this list but being thinner won't change my personality (at least i don't think so). i promise to be at least 130 by graduation. it'll kill me but it'll be so worth it in the end.
4-take pictures. i want to remember this year as well as the last. there's so many amazing people in my life and i want to remember every single day.
5-go to as many shows as possible. this one is a given every year. i think i did maybe 50 last year which makes my total way over 400 now. so worth it. love my life.
6-make more friends. i didn't wanna put this one because it's something that should just happen. everyone i know that i don't hang out with either lives too far away or i don't know them well enough to be with them in person. i really want to change that. if you have a friendship, nothing should keep you from having that.
that's about it for now. getting ready soon to pick up mike and maybe work out. chris and nicole wanna do dinner and a movie later tonight. (pleaseee be cheesecake factory and avatar.) xo.
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