Thursday, February 11, 2010


a photo that makes you angry or sad. that was one of the best days i ever had. and then it slowly turned badly after we got back to new york. the only 2 people i talk to in this picture are mike and chris. jenn's a cheating bitch, dan chose drugs, never cared about anthony, marisa and kyle are in their own world. to think that such close friends can just fall apart like that. i hate that you have to choose which friends are yours after a breakup. but clearly, i chose the right friend.

the snow was insane all last night. i don't even want to go outside to walk to the gym or anything. maybe i will, don't know yet. friday is finally tomorrow and i can go home. also about last night, i hate this site called formspring. it thought it would be fun but people just get meaner when they know they're anonymous. someone keeps asking questions about mike and sex stuff and i'm really uncomfortable with it. someone also asked about 8th grade and that really upset me. i'm glad i don't know who these people are because they would get their heads bashed in this weekend. k, off to shower or do some more work. xo.

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