Monday, July 5, 2010


day 05. a picture of somewhere you've been to.

until i make a trip to europe, this will always be my favorite place to go to. hope i go back soon somehow.

yesterday was good..hung out with chris and mike. chris brought over fireworks and we set them off in the backyard. it was a pretty good display for a little amount. then we walked over to the high school with catherine and sat on the bleachers to watch fireworks all around commack. they were talking about driving up to pennsylvania this week to buy more. i miss it when its just the four of us talking about anything. which is why i wish i was more included last night instead of sitting by myself. drove back to mike's and picked up matty lane. drove him home at 2ish and i got back home. didn't fall asleep until 5 for a not so good reason..i have got to stop. xo.

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