"outgunned" by the banner
been thinking a lot and maybe i should just write it out..
i know that it's been over two years since we've actually talked but i really miss when we were friends. you were the one girl i knew that i could tell anything to. i never compared myself to you, we were equals. don't know if i'll be friends with another girl like that ever. i wish i could just message you or text you and tell you this. but i know you'd just laugh at it and think its bullshit. what you did to my best friend was the worst thing anyone could ever do and you changed after that but i wish we both made more of an effort to get close again. based on how things are now with everyone, it would've been worth it. i found out you're leaving to go away to school soon and i hope you do well..you need to get away from your job, you deserve better than it.
i try so hard to be your friend. you just think it's a joke. start treating people who love you with more respect, maybe you wouldn't get an attitude filled response next time you want something. despite the timing of it, i meant everything i said the other night and you probably showed your friends and had a great time making fun of it and called me pathetic. all i want is to be nice to you and be able to have what your best friends have with you.
you're cute and i hate that i think that. come home, dude.
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