another beautiful day! spring is my favorite. eva and i went to the museum yesterday and this is the exhibition they have right now. it was done by Bruguera and the walls are lined with millions of used tea bags. that part i thought was awesome but everything else was really lame. i'm really excited to go home tomorrow morning..another 5 days home with mike and hopefully seeing a lot of people. i'm feeling as if people only wanna see him and avoid us when i'm home. it's probably just timing and other things but that's what it feels like.
and when you're home i feel like you run to him instead of getting to know me better. if that's true, tell me. if not, change your actions. apparently we're going to henry's going away party on friday since he leave for boot camp on monday. i'm glad he's finally taking initiative and doing something his heart is into. hopefully nick will be there too. also, i'm sooooooo fn ready to be done with this project. one more shoot left then picking the last 20 pictures. i think i have to do one more edit on the paper too but i'm not sure. xo.
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