did this seriously just happen? 5/8's finally. so i forgot i was doing that topic a day thing and tomorrow is the last day but today's is supposed to be my hopes and dreams for this year. my list is actually really long so here it goes. xo.
-be a nicer person to everyone and be a better friend
-be a better girlfriend
-graduate college
-dye my hair really blond during spring break
-grow my hair really long and never cut it except for very small trims and my bangs
-have the biggest, most ridiculous blowout of a party for my graduation
-buy a pug-a-poo and name it sprinkles
-lose 60lbs
-get backstage for a day to remember on both days in april
- finally see the rocket summer
-do warped tour in ny, nj, ct and pa
-maybe begin vegetarian (but i know i won't do it because i love wings too much)
-move to florida
-begin my dream job with no complaints or problems
-have a backyard show
-get at least 3 more tattoos
-do more photography
-roadtrip with mike and chris
-go to california
-buy my 1st car
-start a label for local bands (and try not to fail within 6 months)
-meet bam margera
-bake a rainbow cake
-if from the pawn gets signed, i want to be involved with it somehow
-have a conversation with greg simkins
-be nice enough that simkins draws a custom piece for me to get
-make plans to go to europe by the time i'm 25
-get engaged for real?
-go surfing again
-pose for a pin-up
-do every building in kppc
-learn graffiti
-learn to play guitar (nick, please teach me finally)