Saturday, July 31, 2010


day 1. your favorite song.

my favorite song at the moment is "friendship" by ambush!

my favorite song forever is "safe to say" by vanna

Friday, July 30, 2010


day 30. who are you?

don't really know who i am yet. i'm many things and i don't like a lot of them and i want to change that.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


day 29. in the past month what have you learned.

i learned that you always have to wonder who your real friends are. even if you think someone is and if you like them, their feelings and thoughts may only be for someone else.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


day 28. a picture of yourself from one year ago, one from now, and how you have changed.

i cut my hair, let it grow out again, started doing different makeup, lost weight, still happy.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


day 27. why are you doing this 30 day challenge.

i thought it would be an easy, interesting way to fill my blog because i never really write in it anymore, just a diary of pictures.

Monday, July 26, 2010


day 26. what do you think about your friends.

i love every one of my friends. they would do anything for me and tonight proved it.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


day 25. what would someone find in your bag.

wallet, 3 liquid eyeliners, lip gloss, mirror, lighter, pens, phone case, ipod, coupons for ralphs, headphones, brush, hairspray, mini deodorant, socks aaaaand idk what else..depends on the day.

the picture is a future tattoo..can't fn wait.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


day 24. a letter to your parents.

not doing this.

Friday, July 23, 2010


day 23. something you crave a lot.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


day 22. what makes you different from everyone else.

don't know. who ever is reading this, tell me.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


tonight, mike, bijian, dylan, zach, matt, britny, kyle, kevin and romper drove up to Poughkipsee to go to the Loft and see the ghost inside, stray from the path, reign supreme, betrayal and andrew's band breathtaker. it was one of the best shows i've ever been to.

oh and, day 21. a picture of something that makes you happy.
this is really appropriate right now<3

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


day 20. someone you see yourself marrying in the future.

Monday, July 19, 2010


day 19. nicknames you have and why.

jessabear: mike's name for me. jwoww, joe gave it to me because i was talking about jersey shore one day.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


day 18. dreams/plans/goals you have.

i want to find a good job, or two. get married to Mike. travel together. go on tour with label bands or find a new one to work with. learn to play drums the right way and be a drum tech if on tour. buy a Porsche. buy our first home together. try and not talk about having kids until we are serious because now, i don't want any. get down to 120lbs. visit Australia and surf the Cairns coast. do something with my journalism degree, preferably write and do photos for AP. work and live in France for a year. go skydiving. stay in the Kalahari waterpark resort when we go back to Ohio for Cedar Point. meet bam margera, that will never be given up. and a lot more things that i haven't thought of right now.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


day 17. someone you would want to switch lives with for a day and why.

i have a real answer and an answer for today only.
real: lady gaga. clearly don't need to explain my answer.
today: anyone on stage for vanna tonight because i can't be there at warped tour. probably gunna cry at 7:25 for about 20 minutes.

Friday, July 16, 2010


day 16. another picture of yourself.

this reminds me of when everything was perfect for one entire day.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


day 15. put your iPod on shuffle and list the first 15 songs that play.

1 watch me rise-have heart
2 cath...-death cab for cutie
3 woke up in a car-something corporate
4 when you're around (acoustic)-motion city soundtrack
5 meals on wheels-tigers jaw
6 rattlesnakes-all teeth
7 let me know-the audition
8 runaway-the early november
9 sorrow-boxcar racer
10 disappear-anberlin
11 dream a little dream-michael buble
12 pull me back-red jumpsuit apparatus
13 machines-sky eats airplane
14 mixtape-butch walker
15 1958-a day to remember

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


day 14. a picture of you and your family.

hate this but its the only one i can find.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


day 13. a letter to someone who has hurt you recently.

the person who has hurt me recently doesn't even deserve my time to say anything about him.

Monday, July 12, 2010


day 12. another picture of you and your friends.

i'm not in it but i like this one. we bought melissa crystal head vodka for her birthday and everyone loved it. the party was actually really good. got to know more people who i just knew the faces of. i like that i feel i can trust some more people after last night too.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


day 11. how i found out about tumblr and why i made one.

well, since this isn't tumblr, it can mean blogs in general. i started one last year and all it caused were problems. sorry i was honest about things but people are just too sensitive and like starting shit. now, i don't care and i hope no one else does either. i'm done hiding my feelings and the way things really happen. if it bothers someone, hopefully it changes they way they act and think. the reason why i started this one is because i wanted to finish a 365 for the first time. so far, so good.

today..melissa's party with everyone we've ever met. wonder how awkward things will be since recent events. xo.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


day 10. songs you listen to when you're:

happy: "light up" by drake

sad: "you had me at hello" by a day to remember

bored: usually just do shuffle until something good comes on

hyped: "safe to say" by vanna

angry: "away we go" by valencia, "honest sleep" by touche amore, ""

Friday, July 9, 2010


ariana's tattoo=] happy birthday bby.

day 09. something you're proud of in the past few days.

standing up for myself so my heart doesn't break.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


day 08. list of short term goals for the rest of the month.

-sneak into warped tour
-get hired somewhere
-start saving money
-get ready for 3 days of stray from the path
-don't fall for you

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


day 07. a picture of someone or something that has the biggest impact on you.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


day 06. favorite super hero and why.

i hate comic books and all that kind of crap so my answer will be lady gaga.

at the hottest, it was 108 degrees today. loved all of it.

Monday, July 5, 2010


day 05. a picture of somewhere you've been to.

until i make a trip to europe, this will always be my favorite place to go to. hope i go back soon somehow.

yesterday was good..hung out with chris and mike. chris brought over fireworks and we set them off in the backyard. it was a pretty good display for a little amount. then we walked over to the high school with catherine and sat on the bleachers to watch fireworks all around commack. they were talking about driving up to pennsylvania this week to buy more. i miss it when its just the four of us talking about anything. which is why i wish i was more included last night instead of sitting by myself. drove back to mike's and picked up matty lane. drove him home at 2ish and i got back home. didn't fall asleep until 5 for a not so good reason..i have got to stop. xo.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


day 04. a habit you wish you didn't have.

i have two bad habits. one is still biting my nails when i'm nervous. the second is being a bitch to mike when i know i shouldn't. i need to stop doing both of those things.

so last night we went to jenny and steve's 4th of july party, which is pretty much the best party of the year. i love seeing everyone, now that they know my name and they aren't strangers. food, fireworks and everything else was great too. today, don't know what's going on. tomorrow we're having a barbecue here=] xo.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


day 03. a picture of you and your friends.
i miss this day. i miss how everything was and that everyone was good friends. xo.

Friday, July 2, 2010


day 02- the meaning behind your blog name.

its my favorite song from my favorite band. "the same graceful wind" by vanna. since i heard the song for the first time, these were always my favorite lyrics and i want to get them tattooed somewhere one day.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

yesterday was three years with my boyfriend.

long island, and new york in general, is my favorite place in the world

i work for a record company, a dream come true

i have four tattoos and want eleven more

i live for music and the hardcore scene

the best friends i have, i know from going to shows and finally feel like i can trust some people

my canon rebel is named "jm" after the photographer, jim marshall

every day my nails are a different color

my ears are stretched to 5/8 inches

if something has an anchor on it, i probably already own it and if i don't, i want it

though it will never happen, i want to drum in a band

i never want children

the most expensive thing bought with my own money are michael kors flats for $230

the thing i want most in my life is to be thin and it will never happen

i feel like its possible for me to fall in love again